miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

Actividades 2º ESO Grecia

-    Temples: used for worshiping the gods, used for holding ceremonies. 
-    Theatres: for theatrical representations of plays, poetry recitals and musical competitions. 
-     Stadiums: for sporting events. Hippodromes: for horse races and chariot races. 
-     Gymnasiums with palaestra: for wrestling schools. 
-     Tombs: to serve as mausoleums for the dead.

-   Archaic Age: solemnity of the figures was portrayed through rigid postures and proportion. Their faces had big eyes and a forced smile (Archaic smile). Male nudes (Kouros) and clothed women (Korai) were characteristic. 
-   Classical Age: aimed for idealised beauty through perfect proportion, body was seven times the size of the head. Gods and athletes reposing or tensing their muscles were characteristic. 
-   Hellenistic Age: sculptures became more expressive and bodies were depicted in movement, sometimes turning sharply. They perfected the depiction of clothing and new subjects like childhood were introduced.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

Renaissance examples