miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Vocabulary: Unit 2.

WORD version: Aquí.


1.       Caliph
Important for test  questions
2.       Hegira
Important for test  questions
3.       Kaaba
Important for test  questions
4.       Koran
Important for test  questions
5.       Jihad
Important for test  questions
6.       Battle of Yarmouk (636 AD)
Important for test  questions
7.       Battle of Kadisiya (636 AD)
Important for test  questions
8.       Ummayad dinasty
Important for test  questions
9.       Abbasid dinasty
Important for test  questions
10.    Emir
Important for test  questions
11.    Silk Road
Important for test  questions
12.    Medina
Important for test  questions
13.    Ramadan
Important for test  questions
14.    Sunnis, Shias or Sufis.
Important for test  questions
15.    Mosque
Important for test  questions
16.    Berber
A member of the indigenous people of North Africa, among whom are the nomadic Tuareg.
17.    Battle of Guadalete (711 AD)
It confronted the last Visigothic king (Don Rodrigo) against the Islamic Empire. Muslims, with the help of some Visigothic nobles defeated Don Rodrigo. This battle initiated the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.
18.    Battle of Poitiers (732 AD)
It confronted the kingdom of the Franks and Muslim forces. Muslim forces were defeated.
19.    Abderraman I
The only survivor of the Umayyad dynasty that was killed in Damasco. He escaped from Damascus to Al-Andalus and named himself independent Emir of Damascus.
20.    Abderraman III
It was an Emir of Al-Andalus that finally named himself caliph of Cordoba.
21.    Almanzor
A famous general and dictator that ruled Al-Andalus at the end of the 10th century. After his death an strong crisis came to Al-Andalus.
22.    Taifa kingdoms
Small independent kingdom formed in Al-Andalus after the final collapse of the Caliphate of Cordoba and the North African Empires.
23.    Almoravids and Almohads
They were berbers from North Africa (Magreh). They were monk-soldiers but belonged a different organisations.
24.    Battle of Navas de Tolosa (1212)
it changed the balance between forces, since that battle the Christian conquests accelerated
25.    Muladi
Former Christian that converted to Islam after the Muslim invasion
26.    Mozarabs
A Christian in Al-Andalus who was permitted to practise his or her religion.
27.    Sinagogue
Temple where Jews go for praying.
28.    Alminar or minarete (mosque)
tower used for the call to prayer.
29.     Fountain (mosque)
located in the courtyard (patio), it is used to perform abutions (ritual purification) before prayer.
30.    Parias
It was a form of tribute or tax paid by a country in order to avoid military attacks.
31.    Prayer hall (mosque)
the hall is divided into naves held up by pillars that face the quibla.
32.    Quibla (mosque)
Wall facing Mecca.
33.    Mihrab (mosque)
Niche were the Koran is kept, it is in the quibla wall. 

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